“O” My

Wow. How weird was that?

Thanks to everyone here for your support and faithful viewing! 

Overall, I was happy with the show but (I must admit) a bit disappointed with the editing, which made my segment feel a little disjointed. Here’s what I was trying to get across: There were two things Dr. Oz said that stuck with me that fateful day in the surgeon’s office. One was about being the world’s expert on your body. Yes, good. But the second point was about the importance of hearing your doctor say the words “I’m sorry.” I explained how Mary looked the surgeon in the eye and asked  him to say that he was sorry. I explained how the minute he apologized, the energy in the room shifted from confrontational to compassionate. And that hearing him say he was sorry is what allowed me to release my anger and see him as a human being who’d made a mistake. Well, the editors kept point #1 and spliced it together with the tail end of point #2, which didn’t make sense to me. All of a sudden I went from feeling like an expert on my body to releasing my anger. Wha? I know I’m splitting hairs here, but, in a perfect world, I wish there’d been time to get both messages across. But that’s okay…the television experience was a hoot, and we came home  with a suitcase full of neti pots and “O” swag. If anyone missed the show and is feeling left out, check out an awful picture of me and read my sad story here. 

4 Responses

  1. Amy says:

    Hey Catherine,

    I saw your segment on Oprah. I agree–it did feel a bit disjointed. I thought something might be missing. It was fun seeing you though. Glad you got a whole bag of swag. How fun is that!

    xo Amy

  2. Katie says:

    Catherine —

    Good grief, I had no idea of what you have been going through lately! You are one badass Chica, my heart is with you and M. as I read this and think how brave and wonderful you are. And wowzers, on Oprah?!

    Katie Kenyon

  3. Leslie Sharpe says:

    Hi Catherine

    I’m sorry you’ve had to go through so much — Just want to congratulate you on having such amazing courage and taking charge, and hey telling it all on O/Oz. My mom is a breast cancer survivor and had a mastectomy, that was over 30 yrs ago and she is an amazing 80-something woman.
    Wish you all the best!
    Leslie Sharpe (you met me through Mary but we havent seen each other in a while)

  4. Claire (of Jon) says:

    You look great actually.
