Good news: the oncologist says no chemo!!! I’m not one to indulge in triple exclamation points (okay, I sort of am), but who cares? Wahoo!!! I won’t bore you with the details of my first encounter with the big-wig oncologist (at least not yet…I’m sure I’ll get around to it) but suffice it to say that Mary and I both felt confident in his assessment that chemo, in my case, would be WAY over the top. So, I get to skip it. Yippee!!!
Off to celebrate.
Hee Haw!!!
super news!!!! (please note the exclamatory quad)
Woohoo!!!!! is right.
Great news!!!
That is amazing news, Catherine! Yeeeehaaaaawww!
Always Rosie
Now you can have summer popsicles by choice instead of necessity, you can cut your hair short just because, and, if you feel queasy, it might just be love…congrats on avoiding chemo, king of queasy and thinning hair…
Woohoo!! Wonderful news. 🙂 (And I’m not one to indulge in smiley faces…)