Well, the one-year anniversary of my breast cancer diagnosis came and went last week with little hullaballoo. Part of me was braced for an emotional tidal wave that never manifested. As it turned out, January 29th, 2010, was just another day. And, more than anything, I felt/feel lucky. Lucky that I’m on the other side of cancer (knock wood). Lucky that mine was the type that could be sliced out—I have a good friend with lymph cancer who will never have the luxury of another cancer-free day. Lucky that I’m back to worrying about the little stuff, like freelance work. Lucky that I get to move on with my life. Speaking of moving on, friends sometimes ask me what nuts-and-bolts lifestyle changes I made in the past 12 months, so I thought I’d make a little list. Of course, this is not meant to be health advice, I’m just offering a little window into what I did after my cancer diagnosis (aside from freak the hell out). So, here it goes:
- Stopped drinking Diet Coke
- Started drinking green tea
- Started juicing in the mornings
- Stopped eating sugar, wheat, soy and dairy
- Went vegan at home
- Traded anti-perspirant for natural deodorant (yeah, it sucks)
- Got serious about buying only paraben-free soaps and shampoos
- Bought chemical-free laundry detergent and dryer sheets
- Traded soy milk for rice milk (I’ve eased up on the soy)
- Reduced my use of canned beans
- Replaced most of the tupperware in my kitchen with glass containers
- Cut back on wine
- Yoga, yoga and more yoga
None of these rules are written in stone. In fact, they fluctuate depending on the day. But, more days than not, I follow them, and my plan is to keep it up for a long, long time. I’m not naive. It would be silly to think any one of the actions above might ward off cancer. But it would be equally foolish to stick my head in the sand. I figure that the least I can do is to cut back on the number of cancer-causing, hormone-disrupting substances I invite into my home and body. After that it’s anyone’s game. This time around, maybe I’ll get lucky.